List of loser mentality and practices

- Belief that the destiny is up to God.
- Your destiny is in your hands, you have the power.
- Use salary to help parents, siblings and relatives before themselves.
- Love yourself. If you are rich, you can help others better.
- Never invest.
- A salary can only go so far, even if it is a big salary…
- Smoke and drink.
- Spending time, health, money. And damaging brain, taking worse decisions the next day and being less productive.
- Believing in luck.
- Results are about sweat, not magic!
- Gossiping.
- Envy and negativity attract more of that to yourself.
- Begging in the streets and online.
- Nobody likes a needy person. Everybody loves people who give. Be a giver and never beg.
- Believing someone will fix their life for them: President, Angels, Boss, rich husband…
- The only person to save you is You!
- Never mastering the English language.
- It is not funny that you have bad English. It’s so easy for a Filipino to brush up English, more than any other language, we grew up with English around!
- Playing video-games.
- Epidemic of young and not so young playing video-games in their spare time is alarming, unproductive and mind harming.
- Being lazy when the boss is not watching.
- Perfect reason to be fired because you are not productive for the company! Not sulit!
- Spending time and money patronizing the Catholic church.
- You can pray at home and save time and money going to the church.
- It is a religion who loves the poor and says it is hard for a rich person to go to heaven. Bad motivation.
- It makes people small and fearing an all mighty god. Makes you weak.
This are reasons I found after some years living in the Philippines as an employer and seeing many repeated practices that keep people in the mud forever.
The problem is not economic, it is mental. A change of mindset would change their pockets.

We have successful Filipino titans who came from zero to the top. It is possible for anyone.
I write this post not to put anyone down, but to awaken even if 1% of the people who read it. I am happy to take the bashing and the hate of 99% if I can save one Filipino by turning on the spark towards change, effort, success.