- Regular meeting held 7 June at UP Diliman with 30 attendants, around 8 new comers.
- Uploaded photos of the movement to the World Motion Team server.
- New National Guide of the Philippines: Kuya Manzano.
- Shared wisdom and joy from the Asian seminar in Taiwan to the Realians in the meeting.
- Created FB page for the movement in the Philippines as Rael said the internet diffusion is now one of our priorities, it already has more than 200 likes. https://www.facebook.com/raelianphilippines
- Familiarizing myself with Elohim.net internal tools.
- Translation of the 3rd book ongoing. First person to deliver was Joseph Bunor.
- Sensual Meditation book placed for public reading at iChill Theater Café https://www.facebook.com/ichilltheatercafe/photos/a.364236147023163.1073741828.362458537200924/782076848572422/?type=1&theater
- One minute meditation for peace in one of the most populated public parks in Manila, Luneta Park. Here the event page https://www.facebook.com/events/1615289885394979/
One Minute meditation for peace - Flooded the Yahoo answers web with links to the new FB page whenever there was a mention to Raelians in a post.
- Flooded blogs in WordPress.com with comments on pages talking about Raelians to present the new Philippine page.
- Google search “Raelian Philippines” now has enough material to cover the complete first page of results.
- Youtube actions commenting and posting link to the new Philippine Raelian page on the most recent videos speaking of the Raelian Movement.
- Configured and using the official email from rael.org to send and reply messages.
- Aramis International joined the Gay Pride march in Manila https://www.facebook.com/events/532521016888979/?ref=5&action_history=null
Aramis International at Manila Gay Pride 2015 Joseph Bunor, Saul Goodman and Kuya Manzano support LGBTBus at the gay pride Manila 2015