Fast Facts: Aly Borromeo, Philippine Azkals
Height: 6’1″
Weight: 190 lbs
Position: Skipper
Aly Borromeo of the Philippine Azkals gets mentioned in some sports articles whenever some folks would like to know the rest of the team. Sure, the Younghusbands (Phil and James) gave the Philippine Azkals mainstream media mileage. But my cousin Aly was there from the very beginning.

As reported by GMA News, Aly Borromeo mentioned how they got the name “Azkals”. While initially viewed as an effort to assume a local image by earning a monicker based on Tagalog slang (“askals”, short for “asong kalye” meaning “stray dogs”), it was more about how the team had little support as if they were literally strays.
In previous tournaments, we would sleep in facilities that had no cushions and smelled like piss. One time, in Iloilo, we stayed in the middle of nowhere. It was really bad.
Aly Borromeo’s love for the game prevailed and every opportunity served as a challenge. For a decorated football veteran, the competitive spirit remained. His stint as team captain with Kaya FC helped a lot in strengthening his resolve. This explained best the exhilaration he felt when the ultimate game changer came along – Suzuki Cup 2010. At the end of 80 minutes, the score was 2-0, Philippines def. Vietnam.
I’ve cried several times in games but this is different. On the 80th minute, the scoreboard said 2-0. I looked at [fellow Azkal] Anton [del Rosario] and we were both like ‘Are you serious?’ After the game, I just hugged them all.
For a self-confessed competitive player, this served as the ultimate payoff for Aly Borromeo’s contributions to Philippine sports. Being the take-charge kind of guy, he is always motivated to play knowing the kind of performance he can deliver to his game.
I always want the ball and take command. I get pissed if you don’t give it to me. I mean I know my skills, and I’m asking for it because I know I can do something for the team. And I don’t like seeing the opponent with the ball.
Aly Borromeo’s no-nonsense-slash-no-BS attitude became more evident the moment he got the role as team captain for his current team, Kaya FC. The way he ended up with that position may have been accidental but the kind of dedication he poured into it is relatively exceptional.
It’s a kind of funny story. The captain back then, Bagets Pinero, and I both went up for a corner kick to head the ball out. I accidentally broke his nose. I broke my own teammate’s nose. So he gave me the armband right there and said ‘O, ikaw na captain’.
[On handling teammates’ mistakes] On second time, I’m probably gonna shout at them. They’re gonna get scolded. I get pissed off with slight errors where they do things without thinking, and when they try to force things.
For a team captain that infused the competitive spirit into his team, Aly Borromeo made sure to share with those in need. It’s their way of giving back to society. Their participation in charity housing efforts like that of Gawad Kalinga are displayed on his Instagram account. Just click the image to enlarge

Just when most folks thought that basketball and boxing are the only sports that Filipinos patronize, Philippine football is slowly taking its foothold into the mainstream fan base. Sports as a unifying factor for communities to get to know each other and build confidence still holds true today and football has become the new sports to go to for exposing kids to a healthier lifestyle. With dedicated athletes like Aly Borromeo, the Philippine Azkals are rest assured to keep their legacy secure in Philippine sports.

Interested to view more about Aly Borromeo? His most updated social media account is his Instagram account that you can follow here. Even his exposure to Kaya FC and diet regimen are displayed there for everyone that needed inspiration for their sports-based fitness regimen. If you would like to read more about my relatives, my work and other things related to me, please like my official page, Kuya Manzano Fan Club, and follow me on Twitter @kuyamanzano. Gracias!