Tag Archives: diary

20 Oct 2014: random production is also production

I wish and I will focus some day, but in the meantime… achievements of the day


Studying new song for pop-rock music contest

Zombie by Cramberries


Figured out and completed the new Goverment forms for taxes for the business iChill




Starting a new phase for my Spanish artistic company, now it will be a portal for Show business.



Uploaded new fun videos for updates at the iChill FB page



Done some social media marketing in my Soundcloud account




Conclusion is it’s good to have a diary to see I’m productive and to force myself to be productive so you see I am. Does that make sense?

Yes. I discovered I need to be accountable in order to do things. So far I won’t do things if it’s only to please myself. Sad but so far that¡s my reality.