I’ve been browsing around and for these guidelines to have a singing career, hope I can follow through!
Image from my Facebook Fan Page
I also added steps I think that would help me in the Philippines.
- Have voice lessons. This I had a lot.
- Second step to have a singing career is singe a lot in front of people, concert a lot all over the city. OK, I take it as a challenge.
- Third step of a singing career is to audition and join musicals. Done that a lot.
- 4th step with a singing career is record yourself and post it. Have done somewhat, can do this a lot more yet.
- 5th singing career step. Is to be a big fish in your small pond. Sing locally in the biggest events. Haven’t done this much actually yet.
- 6th singing career tip is to find your style and stick to it so you create a brand. I still don’t know if to go for rock or Broadway.
- I think it has to be a blended performer career, not only singing, I must act and do other artistic stuff together with singing to boost.
- I must join a band and or a singing contest of course, that will help much.
- To be a singer I need a following in social media. Working on it.
- Professional recordings are needed. I could get those through collaborations at this point I guess.
- Gotta be brave and have some showmanship.
- Start singing original songs, not covers. Collaborating is the key.
- Learn piano or guitar. I pick piano.
- Learn Tagalog and record Tagalog songs.
- Audition for every singing contest, even if it has to be online.
- Work begets work. Exposure will get more work.
- Sing in weddings, parties, jingles, non stop.
- Top confidence believing in yourself is capital.
- Personallity is a pillar. No personallity, not an interesting singer.
- Cater to your audience. It’s abut them more than about you. They pay the tickets after all.
- Choose your audience. You cannot please everyone.
- Study marketing, self promotion techniques online, etc.
Screenshot from Musical Online’s YouTube channel
Please give me your tips and opinions, all help is welcome, thank you!
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