How to launch a singer career step by step in the Philippines? Sometimes when you thought you already know what to do, you would still put up a checklist that would guide you. Was it really that hard to launch a singer career? It often lies on the kind of passion you pour into it.
So you discovered that you can carry a tune. You are not tone deaf. And everyone around you is impressed at how your voice matched the music. And no matter how loud the karaoke machine is, you’re still in tune. How to launch a singer career step by step in the Philippines then?

– Join a band for a singer career step by step in the Philippines
It sounded like a cliche on getting a singer career step by step in the Philippines. But I should know since I have been in a band myself. In case you didn’t know, years ago I was the lead vocalist for a Spanish rock band. It’s called Memento Mori. And we performed cover versions of mainstream hits like Metallica’s For Whom The Bell Tolls and Judas Priest’s Breaking The Law.
It got me into gigs I don’t usually get into. It also served as an opportunity to prove my versatility as an artist. My orientation may have been bel canto opera. But I enjoy other genres too. It inspired me strongly enough to front a band heavily influenced by rock music. I got to entertain fellow rock fans. And I get to do what I love most – singing.

– Join a singing contest for singer career step by step in the Philippines
There are several singers and entertainers now that join contests not only to win. The exposure alone got them gigs that secured a singer career step by step in the Philippines. The main difference though with joining a band is that you get to strike out on your own. It also serves as an opening to be discovered. Singing in a different genre that more people can identify and relate to (like Top 40 Hits) gets the public’s attention.
But don’t do it for the sake of “relevance”. If you have been watching enough episodes of some singing contests like American Idol and The Voice, you know that some auditionees failed due to wrong song choice. Shift that situation to launching a singer career step by step in the Philippines and not everyone gets a second chance like in the Idol franchise. So sticking to your strengths would still be highly recommended. You wanted to prove that you can sing well? Sing songs from a genre that you are really good at.
I managed to get into a singing contest at Fisher Mall and get good reviews. I sang 2 songs that are available for you to enjoy. One is “The Impossible Dream”. The other is “This is the Moment”. Both songs are part of my standard playlist because I can sing both of them well. That is one of the crucial tips that you need to remember. You want to be remembered for a particular genre or repertoire, right?

– Recordings for a singer career step by step in the Philippines
Be it a cover of a song or an original composition, having a clip to show around still works. I have an original composition, Wellfire’s “Hold Me”, on my Soundcloud account. Think of it as building your portfolio to have a singer career step by step in the Philippines. How can you explain best the proliferation of YouTube channels and stand alone websites of professional singers? Gigs and exposure work. But for future talent scouts, they would need documented proof of your talent too.
This brings me to other performances that I got cast into. Being a theater actor, I got cast in productions that showcased 2 of my talents. Add the bel canto training that I received early in my budding career. And you realize why I got cast into perhaps the longest running Filipino opera ever – Noli Me Tangere. Good thing some excerpts were uploaded on YouTube for everyone to see. It’s one of the strongest vocal performances so far in my career. And it served as the best reference for talent scouts everywhere that needed to see proof of my talent.

Finding success in a singer career step by step in the Philippines meant getting to earn from doing what you love. Don’t be easily discouraged when you don’t win contests. Capitalize on the exposure. Take advantage of the opportunity to record your own performances. It often serves 2 purposes. One is to observe where you need to improve. Two is to upload it online to market yourself for events that need performers.
Hopefully this article was of help to you. Chances are there are more tips to come. To get updated real-time with the latest articles, please like my official Facebook page, Kuya Manzano Fan Club. Follow me on Twitter @kuyamanzano too. Gracias!